December 13, 2008

I just have to share...

what I woke up to at 6 o'clock in the morning.

As a mom, I think it's normal to want to have special memories or treasured stories that you can reflect on, laugh at, and share when you child grows up. Well, what I woke up to this morning is one of those very stories that I will treasure and keep and tell in the years to come.
So, this morning, I had plans to be somewhere at 7, so I was planning on getting up around 6:25. However, I was abruptly woken up by our extremely loud musical mice (12 mice that literally play Christmas songs by banging on a bell) at 6am. Kirt jumped, I was confused and then we both knew instantly who it was and what was going on. You see, for some reason our dear, dear Carter is so confused with time, and thinks he really should be up around 5:45 or 6, when really we believe in the sun rule (you don't wake up until the sun's up). Ugh, why does he have to be like I was when I was a child?!?!
Anyway, back to the story...I walked out of our room, and find Carter sitting on our barstools watching the mice do their thing, and seeing his happy face grin from ear to ear. You see, he wasn't supposed to be out. He figured out how to open his child proof door and snuck out. The funny part to me, was that he not only has the Christmas toons going, but he also made sure he plugged the Christmas tree for the full effect. The boy is just so hysterical. I am so grateful God blessed me to be the mother of a precious little boy who is so fun spirited and loves to make people laugh!! I love you Carter and although I am not very thankful for the 6am wakeup call, know that I am beyond thankful for your humor, love, wit and charm. You are truly one special little boy!!!