December 24, 2008

Six Years Ago Today..

we found out we were pregnant!!! It was also that same day that my gut instinct said girl, and sure enough, we now have the princess of our house!
I'll never forget December 24, 2002. It was the best Christmas Eve I will probably ever have. We had tried to conceive for the previous 3 months, but that morning, as soon as I woke up I decided to test just for the heck of it. Little did I know our lives would change forever from that moment forward. Excitement, nervousness, happiness, and so many other emotions instantly hit. It is one of those days you never want to forget. You don't want to forget each little detail or feeling you experienced at each ticking second. It's hard to believe it's been 6 years already, but it has truly been the best 6 years of my life. I love being Kyla's mommy and feel so blessed by God to be given the chance to raise her, teach her, and most importantly love her every second of every day!! I love you Kyla and am so glad you came into our lives and forever changed our hearts!!


alisson boyd said...

such a sweet post. i didn't read the title, however and skipped to the first sentence and thought that you just found out NOW that you are pregnant. guess i need to read more carefully next time :) merry christmas!