September 30, 2008

Heartstrings and Other Business Ramblings

I was excitedly surprised yesterday when I got my mail to find a new, updated Heartstrings Jewelry catalog. They have many new products, including a great deal of embroidery. Although I'm not sure to when I will exactly get around to uploading it all, I am excited the option is there. Currently, we have about 300 products on, with the goal of adding 50 new items each month. That seems like a lot each month, but considering the hunderds I have, I feel like it is never ending (because it isn't and I like it that way :)).
In other news, it seems like the nights (or more like mornings) I stay up late plugging away, are the same mornings my precious babies decide they would prefer to get up wayy before the sun is even close to rising (LIKE 5 AM EARLY!). I love them dearly, but my goodness, I need my sleep! I guess I never realized when starting Blue Paisleys how much continuous work would be needed. Let me tell you, it doesn't end when the products get listed! Anyway, I sound like I'm complaining, but really I'm just really loving what I'm doing and where we're heading. I am so blessed and thankful for this opportunity!! With that said, considering midnight is fast approaching, I need to hit the sack, while I pray my kids sleep until at least 7. :)

September 27, 2008


Kyla scored her very first goal today in our soccer game. She had a great break away and took awesome advantage of it. I was so impressed she didn't get shy or scared, but rather was full of confidence the second she saw the opportunity! She was SOOOO excited when she scored it- it was priceless! I was so happy too because my dad "secretly" came to the game and was watching without her knowing, so he got to see it as well. Anyway, I know it's totally minor, and not really a big deal, but to me it's huge. :) As a former soccer player, who devoted hours and hours of my life to practices, games, and tournaments, I am so excited to see what path soccer may take her down. Many of my best memories surround soccer and all the traveling and what not that came along with it. I would be MORE than thrilled to get to go through it again with my daughter. :)
PS- I also love the fact that my little girl (and boys) are playing soccer on one of the same fields I grew up on!!!

September 20, 2008

Happy First Birthday Jonah!!

It's hard to believe that a year has passed already since you came into this world and so wonderfully blessed our lives. It has been a challenge, a joy, a blast, difficult, but oh so sweet. We are so in love with you, our little man. We are so proud of you, excited for you and are beyond blessed to be able to be your parents.

I'll never forget that day in late January when the absolute biggest surprise of my life happened. I thought maybe I could be pregnant, but truly didn't I was. I mean, it took us a year to conceive your little brother. I told your dad to just stop and grab a pregnancy test on his way home from work, just so I could make sure I wasn't. You see, I was what they call "control" freak- I always have a plan, with a beginning and ending. I always have everything figured out as to how something is going to work out, what is going to happen and what the next step will be. However, this afternoon, when I took this test, I quickly came to realize I am *truly* not in control. There is something SO much bigger, and I needed to be reminded of this. After the positive sign instantly came, so many emotions ran through- most of all shock. I'll never forget going to tell daddy right away, a balling mess (you know, because my plan wasn't playing out my way..), and as soon as I tell him all he can do is smile from ear to ear, so happy, grateful and excited for such a wonderful surprise. This helped matters to know he was so excited, but it truly took me months to come to terms with our expanding family. Most importantly, I want you to know it's not because I didn't want YOU, I just didn't like that things were going my my gameplan. :)
The day you were born sweet Jonah, was just so amazing. For fun, we decided to not find out the gender, and we greatly looked forward to the surprise at your arrival. You came into this world at 1:54 pm on September 20th, 2007, and right away, daddy said, "Oh my gosh, it's a boy!!!" It was the most wonderful feeling to hold you and to have you in my arms. There is nothing better than the first day of seeing and holding your brand new baby, especially after carrying them for 9 months.
Jonah, although you were a surprise, you were the most amazing surprise we could have ever hoped for. I, without any doubt, could not imagine my life without you in it. You complete our family and just add such an element to our family that we never had before. We are grateful that God placed you in our lives and I thank Him so often for this. You are my constant reminder that God truly has His own plan, with His own purpose and we must be the ones to live accordingly. I know God has great purpose for you in this world, and I am so excited to see the plan He has in store for you.
I thank you for all you have taught me in our journey together the past year. I thank you for teaching me and helping me with the patience I so desperately needed, Jonah. I love you so much! Happy Birthday buddy!!!

September 17, 2008

Kevin's Prayer

Below, in the previous post, I mentioned Kevin's constant run in's with trouble. I absolutely despise that he is in trouble so much, but I also cannot allow or put up with his choosing to not follow directions, the lying, the disobeying, talking back, etc. He is a GOOD kid, just a stubborn one. :) Today though, I think we both finally had a much needed breaking point. He has been in trouble since last Friday when he hid his two (failed..because of not following directions) from us. Tonight, before he was going to bed (after working on his homework for 4 hours) I had such a great, much needed talk with him. I told him that we need to pray for him, he needs to pray for himself. We need to pray for direction, guidance and simply the help in choosing right from wrong in his life. After I told him all this, one of the most touching moments between the two of us happened. He told me "I pray for this stuff everyday. I don't want to be like this." What?! Really!? It just broke me to know that he DOES care, he DOES want to truly be the best he can be. I, no kidding, instantly felt all of my anger and frustrations fade away when hearing this. I feel like tomorrow will truly be a new start, a new day and possibly even a new Kevin. We had a nice, long hug and I just told him how much I love him and how much I truly want him to do well, be happy and enjoy his childhood while he can. Although, I'm sure rough patches will come again soon, the most important thing WE (yes, even Kevin!) have is the power of prayer to get through this together! God is SO good and we are so grateful for his wonderful grace in our lives.

September 16, 2008

My Little Carter.. so hilarious and just does the most funny things. Yesterday, my dad was over at our house and we were just hanging out in the living room, playing with the kids. My dad, just because Carter is two, was asking Carter "Where is Kyla?" and "Where is Mommy?", and went through everyone else in the room (including himself and 2 dogs). Then, he said "Where is Kevin?" and Carter's response..."In Trouble". We were cracking up like never before.
To most people, it probably isn't that funny. However, if you knew Kevin and his routine trips to time out (heck, even Carter sees it and he's 2!), you would understand. Most would think that being grounded for weekends, and losing TV or gameboy, one would learn to NOT repeat their offense, so they don't get in trouble again. I'll tell ya, he's more stubborn than most and although it makes life a little rough now, I PRAY it will end up benifiting him when he's older.

September 13, 2008

New Beginnings

Many new beginnings recently in our house. First off, today was AMAZING as we won our U-12 (Seans team) soccer game 2-1. It was a tied game until the last minute and we ended up scoring off a corner kick. Exciting, unbelieveable, and amazing doesn't even come close to the feeling after the second goal was scored. You see, we (no joke) have not won a soccer game in this league for 3 years. THREE YEARS. Finally, after much complaining on my part (I truly felt the teams were stacked), I was given a fair team with actually decent players. Last year when my sister and our friend coached (I was on maternity leave..usually the 3 of us coach together) they were given about 5 obese kids (out of 10), and then 3 others who really had never even touched a soccer ball before. It was rediculous. This year, our team is pretty much the complete opposite. Everyone knows what theyre doing, everyone is actually quite decent and we are just loving, loving, loving how much fun we're having this year. I, as well as my sister and our friend are so excited and truly looking forward to our upcoming season. There is nothing better in life than exciting moments, but I guarantee you it's even sweeter for us after our ordeal. I'm sure after the win we looked quite rediclous, as we looked as if we had just won the Super Bowl of U12 soccer. Frankly, it may have looked that way, and you know what? It felt that way too. In other news, as I posted below, Kyla got a new puppy for her birthday. It is an Australian Shepherd/Calhoun mix and is SOOO adorable!! I *think* she has named him Charlie. We are excited to see how he impacts our lives (not including the lost sleep from 3am walks..) in the future. Kirt and I went today and picked it up while Alicia watched the kids (thank you!). Kyla was SOOO excited when she saw the puppy for the first time. I am glad I have it on video. :)

Kyla is Five!

Kyla's big day was so much fun for her and she truly (that day) acted with a different presence...a presence of that of a 5 year old. All of a sudden (for that day) she had the most amazing manners, amazing behavior and well, acted the way she thought a 5 year old should behave. In fact, she even noticed she had grown about 5 inches overnight. You know, because that one day between 4 and 5 makes all the difference. I can say though, quite positively, my sweet angel is back to her normal self. I love it.
On her birthday, we had bible study in the morning. I kind of felt bad that she had to spend 3 hours of her birthday here, but then realized what a perfect place to be! A place where not only many of her friends are, but also the one place where she can become more familiar with her Father. After church, we met Aunt Lele and Boppa for lunch at Target. We hung out for a bit chatting and eating and had a wonderful time. Then, I took the little boys home and Kyla stayed for some shopping time with Boppa (jealous much? yeah, me too...especially because I was at home cleaning.). She picked out some great new and fun toys!! That night we celebrated her birthday with some cake and presents. I told Kyla she could invite one friend for her "real" birthday so she picked Ellie. It was great having a playmate to share her excitement with. Kyla got a new game, new puzzle, some pretend food (she loves the food network), Disney Princess Wii game, the new Ariel Beginnings Movie, the new Barbie movie, a fashion stamp set, and a new puppy..yes, a new puppy. However, I will save that for the next post...
Happy Birthday Kyla!! I can't believe your FIVE!!

September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyla!

Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl!! I cannot believe you are turning 5 years old today. FIVE. I am so excited for you, and although I keep telling you I am sad your getting so big, you keep promising me that "you'll still be my mom". I think this is the hardest birthday I've had yet with you. Five just seems like such a milestone. Five just seems so big, when you really should still be so little. No kidding, I feel like we were just celebrating your first birthday at Boppa's pool. I think what really makes this birthday hard for me is knowing the "baby" things and milestones of a toddler are over. Every birthday before, I always had something to look forward to as each year went by. Not that there isn't anything to look forward to this year, because there are plenty, but I guess I just feel like it's all going by so fast! I remember thinking when you were little that I "can't wait until your one or two or even three". Each age had a "special" reason behind it. I couldn't wait until you were one so you would start talking more, etc. This year I am now telling you not to turn five, and although you laugh, it just makes me sad knowing you will never be 4 again. It's a reminder to live each day and each year to the fullest, because you can never get it back.

Kyla, Mommy is so proud of you. I am proud you are so loving, caring and considerate. I love how always ask me, "mommy do you still love me?", and I get to tell you, "Kyla, I love you SO very much. You are my absolute favorite daughter". You are beyond upset if anyone is mad at you, and all you want to do is please people. I love that you are a God loving little girl with a prayerful heart. Every night before dinner we say a family prayer and then you must always say your own before anyone can eat. Every time your scared, whether it's bedtime or your sad or your in timeout, you come to me and ask me to pray with you. You love God and I am so excited for this. I pray your love for him and your relationship with him only continues to blossom as you grow. I love how you love your brothers. Whenever you know mommy is stressed, you always have a motherly instinct to pick Jonah up and take him into your room to play without me asking. You love your friends, you love your family, and you will never know how much we all love you.

I love you beyond words my little princess! Happy Birthday Kyla! Enjoy being five!

September 10, 2008

Jonah's First Ice Cream Cone!

..and boy did he LOVE it!! We went to Chickfila with some friends last week and because Jonah was already a mess, I decided to let him splurge. Besides, he is *almost* ONE and he hasn't really had anything sweet. This was so much fun for him and you could see the smile behind every little bite he took. :) I love that boy sooo much and couldn't imagine life without him!!


I've been meaning to post this for a week now and just haven't gotten around to it...

Last Saturday, during the rainy weather (again!) my dad and sister came over for Bingo and Candy Day. It's a childhood tradition in our family that we played when we were a kids, and my dad played when he was a kid. It may seem so minor and not really a big deal, but it is a wonderful tradition holding many special memories. I remember many Friday nights spending time with my dad playing these silly and fun little games. It's quite simple really. We just play a game of Bingo and if you win, you win a peice of candy. We then take breaks every once in a while so we can play a game called "hide the candy" (the name says it all). The kids go in their room while we hide the candy throughout the living room and they have to find it. It's pretty much like finding Easter eggs on Easter. So, it really doesn't sound all that exciting, but it really is!! The kids have so much fun, and even us adults do as well! It's a perfect thing to keep the kids attention during a rainy day. :) Anyway, here are some pictures from our special day.

Rainy Day Fun

Thankfully, Hurricane Ike has moved further south and is missing our area with the worst of the storm. However, we're still seeing plenty of rain from the outside bands. It has left the kids a little bored, especially Carter and Jonah who would prefer to be outside all day, everyday. We decided to work on some puzzles together. Carter is a pro at them now and gets super excited every time he puts a peice in. Jonah on the other hand, things they make wonderful chew toys and was pretty bored with it all. We then decided to get the rollercoaster down for them play with. It is a special treat to have out and Carter was SO excited to get to play with it (it's been awhile..). Jonah has never been on it, so I was excited to see his reaction. Surprisingly, Carter was quite scared of ride on it and had a much better time just the cart and watching it go. Jonah, on the other hand LOVED it and just couldn't stop laughing and smiling. It was great!
Carter and I also spent some time looking at his old baby pictures. He thought every one of them was Jonah and I had to keep telling them that it was actually him in the pictures. He loved watching little movies of himself from his baby days. It was great to look back at some old memories of my little man.

September 2, 2008

Random Ramblings

I am super excited for football season. I LOVE watching all sports, but I particulary LOVE just watching football all weekend long. From now until January, I am completely content spending weekends at home. :) I am also really excited for the new tv season. My poor Tivo hasn't seen much action the past few months (besides the regular Regis and Kelly, The View, Dr. Phil..and these are only recorded so I have something to watch if I get bored..).

Kyla and Jonah's birthday's are both in the next 3 weeks. I cannot believe Kyla will be FIVE and my little Jojo will be ONE!! I am trying to decide what/if were going to do for their birthdays. I'm leaning towards a joint birthday party at either my house or my dads pool area. I better get thinking though because it is quickly approaching.

I was a total housewife today. :) I did 7 loads of laundry (I despise laundry), baked cookies, played with the kids, and did a lot of other random cleaning. The random cleaning was mainly cleaning up after Carter and his lack of interest in potty training.

The other day I met my friend Nichole at Kohls (love that place) and got an amazing hammock with stand for 90% off. It was $200, marked down to $20. Yes, TWENTY dollars. It is heaven laying in that thing reading a good book. I have always wanted a hammock so I'm excited to just lay around in it while the kids play on the deck. :)

I am stoked that my boys soccer team ROCKS this year. Seriously, they are GOOD. After much complaining that I have not been given fair teams the past few years, it seems they have finally got my point. I am so excited for games to start!!