September 30, 2008

Heartstrings and Other Business Ramblings

I was excitedly surprised yesterday when I got my mail to find a new, updated Heartstrings Jewelry catalog. They have many new products, including a great deal of embroidery. Although I'm not sure to when I will exactly get around to uploading it all, I am excited the option is there. Currently, we have about 300 products on, with the goal of adding 50 new items each month. That seems like a lot each month, but considering the hunderds I have, I feel like it is never ending (because it isn't and I like it that way :)).
In other news, it seems like the nights (or more like mornings) I stay up late plugging away, are the same mornings my precious babies decide they would prefer to get up wayy before the sun is even close to rising (LIKE 5 AM EARLY!). I love them dearly, but my goodness, I need my sleep! I guess I never realized when starting Blue Paisleys how much continuous work would be needed. Let me tell you, it doesn't end when the products get listed! Anyway, I sound like I'm complaining, but really I'm just really loving what I'm doing and where we're heading. I am so blessed and thankful for this opportunity!! With that said, considering midnight is fast approaching, I need to hit the sack, while I pray my kids sleep until at least 7. :)