September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyla!

Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl!! I cannot believe you are turning 5 years old today. FIVE. I am so excited for you, and although I keep telling you I am sad your getting so big, you keep promising me that "you'll still be my mom". I think this is the hardest birthday I've had yet with you. Five just seems like such a milestone. Five just seems so big, when you really should still be so little. No kidding, I feel like we were just celebrating your first birthday at Boppa's pool. I think what really makes this birthday hard for me is knowing the "baby" things and milestones of a toddler are over. Every birthday before, I always had something to look forward to as each year went by. Not that there isn't anything to look forward to this year, because there are plenty, but I guess I just feel like it's all going by so fast! I remember thinking when you were little that I "can't wait until your one or two or even three". Each age had a "special" reason behind it. I couldn't wait until you were one so you would start talking more, etc. This year I am now telling you not to turn five, and although you laugh, it just makes me sad knowing you will never be 4 again. It's a reminder to live each day and each year to the fullest, because you can never get it back.

Kyla, Mommy is so proud of you. I am proud you are so loving, caring and considerate. I love how always ask me, "mommy do you still love me?", and I get to tell you, "Kyla, I love you SO very much. You are my absolute favorite daughter". You are beyond upset if anyone is mad at you, and all you want to do is please people. I love that you are a God loving little girl with a prayerful heart. Every night before dinner we say a family prayer and then you must always say your own before anyone can eat. Every time your scared, whether it's bedtime or your sad or your in timeout, you come to me and ask me to pray with you. You love God and I am so excited for this. I pray your love for him and your relationship with him only continues to blossom as you grow. I love how you love your brothers. Whenever you know mommy is stressed, you always have a motherly instinct to pick Jonah up and take him into your room to play without me asking. You love your friends, you love your family, and you will never know how much we all love you.

I love you beyond words my little princess! Happy Birthday Kyla! Enjoy being five!