Well, after being quite devestated that my previous blog got deleted I have decided to start over. I love to read other people's blogs, sometimes people I don't even know, so I figured it would only be fair if I kept one (and actually wrote in it regularly..) as well. Memories like these are just something I never want to forget...
So, here we begin. I'll start with a quick "label" of each kid. It will be fun to look back in a year or so and see the differences and similarities. Sean, our oldest, definitely displays the oldest child charactersitics. Not only is he our biggest helper, but he is like the second dad in our home. Being I am the oldest in my family, I totally can relate to the natural role the oldest child typically has. I always tried my best to be perfect, make the right decisions and play the mother role to my sister and brother (and still do, which drives them nuts :)). Sean loves sports, loves playing with friends, playing outside and video games. He is a good little gentlemen and whoever marries him will be one lucky girl. :) Kevin is one of the most challenging. Probably because we are both pretty stubborn, so we bash heads much more than my liking. He is extremely smart, exceptionally creative and a huge science nut. He loves to experiment, build, create, and steal anything and everything of mine in order to do so (thi is where the bashing of heads comes in..). He has a bright, bright future. Kyla is my little princess. I will never forget the day I found out I was having a little girl. Ecstatic, disbelief, happiness, and about a thousand other emotions were running through my body. I wanted so badly and just remember praying throughout the entire beginning of my pregnancy that God would bless me with a little girl I so desparetely desired. I have never wanted anything so badly in my life. Kyla is really quite girly considering she has 4 brothers. She loves princesses, dancing, dolls and barbies. However, she definitely can hold her own in a spat between her and the boys (more than likely because my older boys know better than to fight with her :)). She loves coloring, playing, movies, swimming, friends, gymnastics, reading and jumping on our trampoline. She is very active and so much fun. I love, love, love having a little girl. Carter, Carter, Carter. He is my sweet little man. He is spunky with so much personality but he can be the sweetest, most caring little boy as well. One word to sum him up would be, without a doubt, FUN. Kirt and I just smile at each other all the time out of amazement for our little boy. We are so proud to be his parents. We love this boy sooo much. Then there is Jonah. He is a little surprise sent by God that am beyond thankful and grateful for!! He is the biggest momma's boy out of them all (since I AM his food source, this may have something to do with it..). He is playful and active and is still trying to figure out what the word sleep is. As I finish this now, he has just woken up from his first 15 minute nap (I seriously think my husband sleeps more than him!).
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