The mere thought of handling two blogs seems near impossible, so if you have my blog listed in your column of blogs you read, it's time to change it. It's not necessarily new, but the address is This one is and will be written in on a much more frequent basis!
October 12, 2009
April 30, 2009
I Need to Remember These Things
- Carter told his daddy tonight, "your my best friend."
- Carter told me yesterday, "Drue's my boy."
...Ahh, there are so many more from today and yesterday. Hopefully I can remember them and update with more tonight!!
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 7:17 PM 0 comments
March 11, 2009
Kyla's Answers.
My mom interview with Kyla. It was fun to hear her answers!!
1. What is something mom always says to you? I love you.
2. What makes mom happy? Cleaning up my room.
3. What makes mom sad? If I don't clean up my room.
4. How does your mom make you laugh? Tickling me
5. What did your mom like to do as a child? Kiss my dad
6. How old is your mom? I dont know. "Guess", (me). 16.
7. How tall is your mom? 6000 feet.
8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV? Football.
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? Go shopping.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Marrying somebody. (huh???)
11. What is your mom really good at? Playing soccer.
12. What is your mom not very good at? Playing soccer when her legs hurt.
13. What does your mom do for her job? Makes her bed and folds laundry.
14. What is your mom's favorite food? chocolate chip cookies
15. What makes you proud of your mom? when she blows kisses
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Minnie..then Cinderella
17. What do you and your mom do together? Play board games
18. How are you and your mom the same? Were both girls
19. How are you and your mom different? God just makes us that way.
20. How do you know your mom loves you? Because God made her to love children.
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? We both watch TV together.
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? The ice cream store.
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 6:00 PM 5 comments
January 28, 2009
Everybody's Doing It.
25 Random Things About Me.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.
1. I never dreamed I would be a mom to 5 kids. In fact, as a kid, I never dreamed of being a mom like most little girls. Although now, I couldn't imagine any better job.
2. I am not an emotional person and my husband and sister always make fun of me for it. I truly think I am quite an optimist, so when things are bad or seem sad, I try to find the good, rather than focusing on the bad.
3. I am a neat freak and don't mistake that for a clean freak. Things at least have to be picked up.
4. I love love love yardwork and could spend all day outside doing it.
5. I love cookie dough. Like, A LOT.
6. I am a reality TV junkie and really don't watch anything but (Biggest Loser, American Idol, Bachelor, the TLC shows, etc.).
7. I never answer the phone if I don't recognize the number.
8. My husband is absolutely amazing. He is so great to me and the kids. I'm so grateful God placed him in my life to be the person I get to spend forever with.
9. I have decided to become an avid hopes to slow down my shopping addiction.
10. I plan on driving my expedition until it dies (hopefully many, many years). I love it and never want a car payment again.
11. I still talk and am friends with my best friend from Kindergarden.
12. I just started eating vegtables (besides corn and green beans) and am quite proud of myself. I had never tried broccoli until last week and I can actually handle it.
13. I LOVE where I live, my house, my neighbors, etc. We, without a doubt, have some of the best neighbors ever, who we love hanging out with.
14. I secretly hope all of my kids love and excel in soccer...and play competitively.
15. I love board games and would play them every night with my husband, if he would let me. :)
16. I truly think I have some of the best friends in the world. I am extremely grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life.
17. I knew I was going to marry my husband within minutes of meeting him, and therefore, as the manager of the place he applied to, I hired him.
18. I am an investigator, plain and simple. I investigate everything, research everything and could spend hours doing so, which is why I majored in criminal justice. In fact, I found my husbands biological mother within a matter of minutes doing a google search.
19. I was the biggest tomboy as a kid and was never into anything girly. I spent hours playing outside and in the woods everyday with my boy friends.
20. I would probably have one more kid, if I knew it would be a girl (don't get me wrong, I LOVE my boys). Mainly, so I could give Kyla a sister because I couldn't imagine not having one.
21. In middle school, my friend and I would sneak out of her house whenever I spent the night and ride our bikes to friends houses (we even got pulled over by the cops one night, and after that, we never did it again).
ps. to think I have a middle schooler now scares me to death!!!
23. I am a very impatient person, although I am trying hard to change this.
24. My favorite stores are Target, Old Navy and White House Black Market.
25. I love God and am always so grateful for His Word, grace, humor and timing. I am thankful for the work He is doing in my life, as well as in my family and friends lives.
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 5:37 PM 0 comments
January 27, 2009
My Little Genius
Kevin is brilliant. Plain and simple. His intelligence is truly like none other. He wants to be a scientist of some sort when he grows up and I have no doubt he will do something absolutely wonderful with his brilliance.
However, there are so many quirky things he does because he lacks common sense. In fact, I can't even tell you how many times Kirt and I start cracking up because of this. Ever read those Amelia Bedila books when you were little?? He is just like her! Everything you say, he takes literally.
I'm getting to my point of my Kevin funny for the day. He was showing me his homework, and I had a few peices of paper that were garbage in my hand. I asked him to go throw them away. Most of us would just walk to the garbage can in the kitchen and toss them. However, seconds later I hear the front door open..yes, you guessed it. Kevin was going outside to our trashcans on the side of the house to throw away the papers. I love that boy and am so thankful for humor he provides to us on a very regular basis!!
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 8:50 PM 0 comments
January 17, 2009
My Little Chatterbug
Carter has ALWAYS been a talker. Ever since he was a baby, he always seemed to know exactly what you were saying and listened probably better than all the older kids. Now that he is 2.5 his vocabulary is incredible, at least in my opinion. The sentences he puts together just make me laugh so hard sometimes because he seems so little to be talking like a grown up. Some funnies from this week (and the thing is, is that they aren't really "funny", just "funny" to hear him say them :)).
.."Mom, are they going to yell at me for being dangerous?" (talking about climbing out of the Target cart and onto a clothes display). My response was "yes, in fact, they may take you to jail."
.."Mom, you really need to be careful with that".
.. Me: "Carter, it's naptime."
Carter: "Mom, don't say that word. I don't like that word.
These are just a few from the past few days. Carter is such a breath of fresh air and I just love love love hanging out and spending time with my little man!!!
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 1:57 PM 0 comments
January 13, 2009
Four Years.
January 13th, 2005 will be a day I will never, ever forget. The details of the day play over in my head so often and the fact that we are left with so many unanswered questions just makes it that much harder. Today is the day, four years ago, that my wonderful, truly remarkable mother in law passed away in the middle of surgery. I'll never forget the phone call, the emotions, the most dreadful feeling you can experience, the hurt and the shocking pain as I found out my children, and future children would no longer have their grandma in their life. More than anything, my heart broke for them. My heart aches knowing Carter and Jonah will never know them and the only memories Kyla has with her are pictures. My heart aches for Sean and Kevin who have experienced so much loss, so young. I wanted them all to know her, and I mean KNOW her, remember her and treasure her like we did. I wanted her to see them grow up, play with them, spend time with them and love on them. I wanted them to know how giving she was, how selfless she was and how loving she was. She had so many characteristics I idolized and really wish I carried. My kids loved her and she cherished them like any doting grandma would.
There are so many memories we had together, and although I know I will never be able to remember them all, I am going to try to remember a few special ones...
The first one I would specifically label as a memory, but more so a ritual we did on a weekly basis. At least once a week, we always met up for lunch at one of her favorite local restaurants. She was always throwing the kids quarters for bouncy balls and the games which were often broken. We had SO many conversations over lunch and I am so thankful for this. Another great memory was when Kyla was born and her being in awe of her granddaughter. She came in the room as soon as I was moved to my resting room and was just so excited. I'll never forget all the things she spoiled our baby girl with. A funny thing, that most people who knew her know about was her obsession with catalog shopping. She dreaded any trip to the store, but would buy so many random, funny things from catalogs. We always joked that when we went to her house it would be like Christmas all over again. She was constantly giving us stuff. I'll never forget living with her for a few weeks before we moved to Cape Coral. Great memories and great talks. I'll never forget the many trips and days spent at the beach house. I'll never forget watching her read books to Kyla and the boys as they sat on her lap. I'll never forget her wacky sense of humor..she was all about fun. Another great memory was our trip to Orlando together. We had such a great time, with the exception of the flat tire on I75 at 2 oclock in the morning. I'll never forget her laugh, smell and absolute pure love for her family.
Forever I will treasure the memories that were made and forever I will be saddened that there weren't more. We all miss you, the kids miss you, your sons miss you. You were an amazing mom, and fabulous grandma. We know you are watching over us and trust that one day we will see you again. We love you mom!!!
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 11:37 PM 0 comments
January 3, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things...
...listening to Kyla sing. She has a really great voice. :)
...watching Jonah identify his body parts, especially his tounge!
...watching Kevin interact and take care of his little brothers. He loves them!!
...seeing Sean grow up and change into a teenager..who still loves his momma!
...hearing Carter make his ship and gun noises as he flies them through the air.
...Carter's unbelieveable personality. He is such a fun, fun person to be around.
...watching Kyla dance through the house. She is my little princess!
...Jonah's smile. It is really precious and very contagious!
...seeing Sean's face stuck in a good book.
...Kevin's knack of learning every possible fact..and remembering them for years.
Life is truly great and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful and unique children who brighten everyday and make our house into a home filled with such special life.
Posted by Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. at 3:46 PM 0 comments