August 19, 2008

It's Been a LONG 11 Months...

BUT Jonah is FINALLY SLEEPING!!!! You read that right- Jonah- my little baby who decided it was best to be awake all the time for the first 11 months of his life FINALLY LOVES SLEEP. Praise GOD!!! I am not joking when I say that he would nap for maybe 30 minutes a day (broken up between 2-3 naps) and then maybe sleep 2-3 hours at a time during the night until just recently.

Now, Jonah sleeps ALL night, from 7 or 8 (depending on if he has 1 or 2 naps) until 7 or 8 the next morning. That is TWELVE hours...TWELVE WONDERFUL hours!!! He also naps 1 or 2 times a day, and each nap is now between 2-3 HOURS!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how exciting that is. He is so much happier, I am so much happier and our household is much more pleasent now. :)

To make things even better, I have basically always nursed Jonah to sleep (nap and bedtime). He now eats, and then I lay him in his crib AWAKE and he falls asleep on his own. I'm impressed. My little baby boy is ready to turn into a toddler and I am more than ready for him to start acting like one. :)

PS. Hurricane Fay was a doozie- thankfully. We lot a lot of wind and rain, but no damage. We just have a few big, skinny trees that fell down on our fence in the back. We also lost power sometime in the middle of the night. Thankfully, it came back on around 1pm though today. Back to school for the kids tomorrow! Woohoo!