August 18, 2008

Our First Day of School

Today began the 08-09 school year and everything went really well. I got Kevin up at 6:45, and drove him to school at 7:30. Then, came home, got everyone else ready and drove Kyla and Sean to school around 9:30. It was a big day for them because Sean was starting middle school and Kyla was officially moving to the "big" preschool.

Anyway, all 3 had great days. Kevin really seems to like and admire his teacher. He has the same 4th grade teacher Sean had, which is nice. Sean seems to really like all of his teachers, and I think he is excited to just be a middle-schooler in general. I still can't believe it. I'll never forget dropping him off for his first day of Kindergarden and just coming home and crying for like an hour straight. He just seemed too small to go to such a big place everyday, almost all day. Now, here he is, almost a teenager, yet still the sweetest, and most loving little boy! Today was nothing but pure excitement and happiness on my end for him. He's come such a long way and I knew he was so ready for this new change. Kyla was really, really excited and pretty giddy about going to school this morning. She just couldn't wait to get out the door. Her teachers were great, and she was so happy when I picked her up. She told me all about her fun day and just kept going on about how much she loved the "big school". Although it's still preschool, she has now moved over to the "big" building (in her 3 yr old program last room she was in a tiny classroom across from where she is now). Kyla even came home and "played school" with some imaginary friends afterwards. I was happy. :)
So, because of Hurricane Fay, today basically ended up being a great practice day because school is cancelled tomorrow. :) Kirt is off work tomrorow too, and right now it doesn't seem like the weather will be all too bad, so it may end up being a fun day. However, until the storm officially passes, and we're still enjoying the luxury of electricity, I won't hold my breath. :)