July 8, 2008

Another summer day gone by...

Boy, summer is FLYING!!! I cannot believe a mere 5 weeks until school starts! Anyway, we had a great day today. I took the kids to the library for storytime. We met up with Vicky and her girls, like we have practically every week this summer. After picking out a few books and some movies, we decided to make our usual after library trip out to lunch. I'm actually surprised we've done this every week (lunch, that is), because the thought of 2 adults with 7 kids is quite frightening. I love meeting up with Vicky. Not only is her daughter, Ellie, Kyla's best friend, but I just enjoy spending time with Vicky as well, so it's a win-win situation. :) It's hard on Kyla to be surrounded with 4 boys at all times, so a great girlfriend she can play Barbies, Princesses and house with is so important and fun for her. Some of my best memories as a little girl are playing house with my sister on our lanai. It was great fun, and more than anything I want Kyla to have that little someone to be able to pretend with. I think it's so important. Anyway, after lunch, we came home, little boys napped. Kirt got home early today so I ran around making numerous returns to various stores that had just piled up in my car. I am so relieved that is done. As for the rest of this week, we are plan free but are sure to keep the kids busy for my own sanity. My mom is coming over Thursday to watch all the boys while Kyla and I go get our hair cut. I'm excited for a little mommy-Kyla time! Our biggest news of the week is our day trip to Busch Gardens on Saturday. The kids (as am I) are very much looking forward to going there this weekend, as they had an absolute blast last time!